Bad Soden, Germany,

Responsible: Messer warns against silent killer – carbon dioxide intoxication

Messer, the world’s largest privately run industrial gases specialist, is now making safety posters available free of charge to raise awareness of a “silent killer” – elevated CO2 concentration.

You can’t see it. You can’t smell it. We are talking about carbon dioxide (CO2). It is heavier than air, and at elevated concentrations it acts as an asphyxiant by displacing oxygen. But CO2 also has acute systemic effects on the body that are unconnected with the oxygen concentration. If the concentration of carbon dioxide in the ambient air increases, the pulmonary gas exchange in human lungs is compromised. This can lead to a fatal carbon dioxide intoxication. Safety posters with lots of information about the safe use and handling of CO2 can now be ordered free of charge from Messer in portrait or landscape format. A simple e-mail to is all that is required.